About Us
The role of the Committee is to:
- propagate the fundamental principles of Olympism at national level within the framework of sports activity;
- contribute to the diffusion of Olympism in the teaching programmes of physical education and sport in schools and university establishments;
- encourage to the creation of institutions which devote themselves to Olympic education, in particular, the Committee concerns itself with the establishment and activities of National Olympic Academy, Olympic Museum and cultural programmes related to the Olympic Movement;
- ensure the observance of the Olympic Charter in the country;
- encourage the development of elite sport and sport for all;
- help in the training of sports administrators;
- commit itself to taking action against any form of discrimination and violence in sport on grounds of race, religion, politics, sex or otherwise;
- work to maintain harmonious and cooperative relations with governmental bodies. Nevertheless, the Committee shall preserve its autonomy and resist all pressures of any kind, including those of a political, religious or economic nature that may prevent the Committee from complying with the Olympic Charter;
- develop and protect the Olympic movement in the country;
- select the athletes and constitute, organize and lead the national delegation at the Olympic Games and at the regional, Asian or world multi-sports competitions patronized by the IOC. The Committee shall be responsible for the behaviour of the members of the national delegation;
- organize and host, or support and assist with the international or regional multi-sports competitions or any activities related to the Olympism;
- participate in any programme supported by the Olympic Solidarity;
- compile and print the publications relating to the Olympism;
- commit to any activities relating to the Olympic movement.
Statutes of CTOC

Organization Chart

Mr. Hong-Dow Lin
Vice President
- Mr. Szu-Chuen Tsai
- Mr. Chien-Ping Chen
- Mr. Huan-Cheng Chang
- Mr. Yu-Hui Liao
- Mr. Chen-Yen Yeh
- Mr. Chia-Fu Tsai
Executive Board
- Mr. Ching-Cheng Wang
- Mr. Wen-Ching Chu
- Mr. Mu-Yen Chu
- Mr. Jow-Fei Ho
- Mr. Ting-Fung Lin
- Mr. Hua-Wei Lin
- Mr. Chih-Chang Hung
- Ms. Wen-Hsin Chang
- Mr. Will Chang
- Mr. An-Chin Hsu
- Mr. Shyh-Kwei Chen
- Mr. Ren-Bang Chen
- Mr. Kuang-Fu Chen
- Mr. Jiang-Hung Chen
- Ms. Mei-Yen Chen
- Mr. Chung-Jen Huang
- Mr. Fui-Tsai Liu
- Mr. Dien-Lin Hsieh